Levels of programming

Whether you’ve signed up for your first 5k or you’re aiming for a 70.3 Ironman PR—I’m here to help you get across the start and finish lines. I offer 3 levels of programming. Depending on your unique needs, the duration of your training, & the goals of your training, prices may vary.

As a clinician coach, I am uniquely positioned to help you maximize your performance and minimize your risk of injury.

  • This is for the athlete who is looking for structured training and guidance to minimize injury while making a comeback to racing.

  • You’ve conquered the distance, but now you’re ready to conquer a personal record. This is for the athlete who is ready to dedicate more time and effort into performing faster while minimizing the risk of injury.

  • This is for the athlete looking to conquer a triathlon. Triathlon requires attention to detail and prioritization of time and work outs. You only have so many hours in a week to fit in swimming, biking, and running. This also means there can be more opportunity for injury. My role is to get you to the start and finish lines healthy and happy. It’s an incredible feeling crossing the finish line of a triathlon—knowing your body swam, cycled, and ran the distance!

Contact me to schedule a free call to learn more about my performance coaching services.